Wednesday, June 5, 2024
A Message from Linda Waldbaum Newsletter Editor
The PFT would like to recognize fourteen amazing educators who have worked tirelessly for the past few years here in Plainedge. At the May and June board meetings, the BOE granted tenure to these teachers. This is a significant moment in an educator’s career and involves a rigorous evaluation process by administrators over a four-year period. Although tenure is thought of as a lifelong appointment, nothing could be further from the truth. Tenure is simply the right to due process before being disciplined or terminated from a teaching position. It is hard to imagine this not a right for all employees everywhere! Thankfully, being part of a union, tenure is a protected right for all our members who work hard to be granted this honor. Please join the PFT leadership in congratulating the fourteen fellow PFT members who received tenure this school year!
Kerri Barbera

Kerri started her career at Plainedge Middle School as a sixth grade Math teacher. In her second year, she taught sixth grade ELA/Social Studies before moving to John H. West, where she has been teaching fourth grade for the past year. Kerri’s first teaching experiences began as leave replacements across Long Island and Westchester. She was then hired at a charter school in Brooklyn where she taught grades one, four, and five for three years. After some time in the charter school, Kerri was hired as a 5th grade teacher for seven years at PS 14 in Corona, Queens. Having grown up on Long Island, Kerri knew she always wanted to find her way back home to finish out her career, which brought her to Plainedge just a few years ago. Her experience teaching at so many different schools, grade levels, and topics has taught her so much and has helped her grow as an educator. When asked if there is anyone she would like to thank for helping her reach this milestone, Kerri responded, “The many wonderful teachers and staff that I have encountered along this journey have helped guide me in so many ways that I am forever grateful.” Kerri also gave a shout out to her “wonderful 6th grade team at the Middle School” as well as her “amazing 4th grade team at West.” Kerri wants to thank her fellow PFT members for being so welcoming and supporting her throughout this entire process. She also credits her family for their constant support and willingness to be flexible. Kerri plans to celebrate her accomplishment with her family by grabbing some ice cream and enjoying the summer with her husband and three beautiful children.
Cassidy Brennan

Cassidy has taught 5th grade for the last four years at John H. West Elementary. Cassidy actually began her teaching career as an international school teacher in Prague. After moving back to the States, she worked as a fourth-grade leave replacement and STEAM teacher in the Massapequa School District until she received her probationary appointment here at Plainedge. When asked if there was anyone she would like to thank for helping her reach this milestone, she replied, “I would like to thank all of my amazing students, helpful colleagues, and supportive administration.” She also said she “couldn’t have done this without my family and friends who are my biggest cheerleaders.” Cassidy certainly has a lot to celebrate this school year because in addition to receiving tenure, she also got married! She plans on enjoying the summer with her husband at barbecues, the beach, as well as traveling. Cassidy is looking forward to many more years with her Plainedge Family. She said she feels so lucky to be surrounded by so many great people and educators!
Elyssa Ditizio

Elyssa is a K-12 School Counselor and works with students in four out of five Plainedge buildings: John H. West, Eastplain, Schwarting, and Plainedge High School. Prior to coming to Plainedge, Elyssa worked as a teaching assistant while she completed her degree in school counseling, and ended up working only one month in the Diocese of Brooklyn prior to receiving her position at Plainedge. When asked if there was anyone she would like to thank for helping her achieve this milestone, she replied, “I would like to thank my colleagues and administrators from across the District for all of their support over the past four years! They all have made Plainedge feel like home.” Elyssa also wanted to thank the guidance department for welcoming and mentoring her since day one. Elyssa said, “I am so grateful to work in such a wonderful district and be a part of the Plainedge community. I look forward to many more great years doing the job I love!” Elyssa plans to celebrate this milestone by sharing a celebratory meal with her family.
Deborah Fallon

While Debbie has recently earned tenure as a STEAM teaching assistant for the Plainedge elementary schools, she has actually been an educator and part of the Plainedge family for more than 30 years. She started her first teaching career at Eastplain Elementary teaching fourth grade before her computer literacy skills led her to become the computer teacher for 20 years at all the District's elementary schools. Debbie spent the remainder of her teaching career as Eastplain’s STEAM teacher. After retiring from being a teacher in 2020, Debbie’s love of children and education could not keep her out of the classroom. She returned the following fall as a STEAM teaching assistant and the rest is history! When asked if there is anyone she would like to thank for helping her reach this milestone, she replied, “I am so honored to have received tenure twice here in Plainedge. I would like to thank our STEAM Team for their constant support and collaboration. I am so fortunate to work with so many people who have become lifelong friends.” Deborah also added, “I feel so grateful to continue to be part of our STEAM Team in my new role as teaching assistant. I am proud to continue to be a member of our PFT and appreciate having the opportunity to work with our talented Plainedge staff and so many amazing students.”
Morgan Flanagan

Morgan is currently a kindergarten teacher at John H. West, but before becoming a kindergarten teacher, Morgan spent her first years in Plainedge as the elementary STEAM teaching assistant. Although Plainedge is Morgan’s first teaching position, she has lived in Plainedge her entire life and is a graduate of Plainedge Schools. Morgan says she “feels very fortunate to be working alongside the most incredible educators. It is also so special to have my former teachers as colleagues.” When asked if there is anyone she would like to thank for helping her reach this milestone, Morgan replied, “I would first like to thank my family for their constant love and support. They've supported me in becoming a teacher ever since I had this goal as a kindergartner myself! My parents have always supported every decision I made, and are my biggest cheerleaders and role models. I wouldn't be the person or educator I am today without their love and guidance. I'd also especially like to thank my siblings for being my "students" when we would play school together growing up! Another special thank you to my amazing colleagues at West, and the rest of our wonderful teachers in Plainedge who have provided guidance throughout my first few years teaching. Lastly, the support and guidance of the administration has allowed me to grow as a reflective teacher and lifelong learner, and I am very grateful for their support. I feel so blessed to be a part of this wonderful learning community here in Plainedge!” Morgan plans to celebrate this huge milestone in her career by going out to dinner with her family and friends.
Nicole Fochi

Nicole is very excited to be following in her mother’s footsteps as an elementary school teacher here at Plainedge. In addition to completing her fourth year as a third-grade teacher at John H. West Elementary School, she also taught second grade for two years at St. Anne’s school in Garden City. When asked if there was anyone Nicole would like to thank for helping her achieve this milestone, she responded, “My mom! She is the reason I became a teacher in the first place. She inspires me with her incredible work ethic and her passion for this career is commendable.” Nicole went on to add that “being a Plainedge alumna makes this milestone even more special for me. I am proud to work in the district that I grew up in.” Nicole will be celebrating her tenure by simply enjoying the summer with family and friends!
Olivia Giordano

Olvia is currently an educator at Charles E. Schwarting Elementary School where she has taught both first and fourth grades. Prior to coming to Plainedge, Olivia worked in the Lynbrook School District. When asked if there was anyone she would like to thank for their help in allowing her to reach this milestone, Olivia replied, “There are many people to thank for helping me reach this point in my career, but some people who I need to mention by name include Jennifer Thearle, Alexis Keeling, Joseph Maisano, Sara Azizollahof, Danielle Forman, Tara Walker, Nicole Schoppmann and Jenna Farrugia.” Olivia further went on to say, “I feel lucky and honored to work in such a great school district with talented and kindhearted educators. I look forward to many more years of teaching and learning.” Olivia plans on celebrating this accomplishment by enjoying a meal together with family and friends.
Vanessa Gonzalez

Vanessa came to Plainedge after teaching music in Levittown for two years. She currently works at Schwarting Elementary School within the music department as a band and orchestra teacher. When asked if there is anyone she would like to thank for their help in allowing her to reach this important point in her career, she responded, “Yes! The Plainedge Music Department has been so supportive and helpful since the moment I got here. I especially would like to thank Jessica Yedwab and Keara Finnegan for always answering all my questions and always being there to help out if I need it. I wouldn’t trade my music colleagues for anyone else!”
Catherine Gulino

Cathy has taught at Eastplain Elementary for the past four years. In her first year, she taught fourth grade but has been teaching fifth grade for the last three years. Prior to coming to Plainedge, Cathy taught second grade at St. Peter of Alcantara for five years and then took twelve years off to raise her four children. In 2016, Cathy became a substitute teacher, which eventually led to a resident sub position at John H. West a few years later. She was then offered a probationary position at Eastplain in 2020. When asked if there was anyone she would like to thank for helping her achieve this milestone, Cathy responded, “I would like to thank my family and friends for always believing in me, especially my husband and my kids. The love and support from my husband Chris helped me to reach this milestone. I truly appreciate the patience and understanding of my children, Dani, Matt, AJ and Dominick, as I navigated the change from stay-at-home mom to working mom. I am extremely grateful for my Eastplain family. I am very lucky to work with an incredible 5th grade team, and am grateful for all of the faculty, staff and administration here in Plainedge. Thank you to Mr. Coccarelli for your kind words at the BOE tenure meeting and for creating such a positive work environment. I am truly blessed!” Cathy has been a proud resident of Plainedge since 2004. Two of her children are Plainedge graduates, while she still has one child in 7th and one in 11th grade. Cathy said that she feels “truly honored to have joined the ranks of this incredible union, filled with the best teachers on Long Island. Plainedge truly is a wonderful place to work, live, and play!” Cathy plans on celebrating with her husband and four children at some point during the summer.
Alexa Gulotta

Alexa teaches at Plainedge Middle School, educating students in sixth grade about science and mathematics. Prior to coming to Plainedge, she was a teacher aide at HASC in Woodmere as well as a permanent substitute teacher in the Lybrook School District. When asked if there was anyone she would like to thank for helping her achieve tenure, Alexa responded, “I would like to thank my teammates and the 6th Grade teachers with whom I work alongside daily. Their guidance, kindness and support are so meaningful to me. I would also like to thank the rest of my colleagues here at the Middle School for their helpful tips, generosity and overwhelming kindness throughout the last four years. In addition to my friends and colleagues, I would like to thank the administrators who have continuously provided me with support, guidance, and the tools necessary to help me meet the needs of all of my students. Lastly, I have to give a very special thank you to my amazing family and my wonderful husband for their love, support and guidance daily! I am so grateful for everyone sharing ideas with me and I enjoy sharing my own too! It is so wonderful to work in an amazing district and I look forward to continuing my career here as an educator!” Alexa is looking forward to continuing her own learning experience with her colleagues, faculty, and staff. Alexa plans on celebrating this accomplishment with her family and friends.
Lauren Henriques

Lauren works with students as a guidance counselor at Plainedge High School. Although Lauren started at Plainedge as an intern, she quickly recognized how special the district was and was eager to apply for a probationary position. Lauren started her career in Plainedge as a teaching assistant for the extended school year summer program. She then became a permanent substitute teacher within the district prior to being offered a probationary position in the guidance department. When asked if there was anyone she wanted to thank for helping her reach this milestone, Lauren responded, “My position allows me to collaborate with a variety of professionals: administrators, teachers, psychologists, social workers, clerical staff, and of course, my fellow counselors. I feel so lucky to have experienced an abundance of support from everyone I have worked with over the years. More specifically, I would not be where I am now without the teachings and encouragement of my mentors and guidance crew. I cannot thank you all enough for welcoming me into the guidance office family and helping me become the counselor I am today.” Lauren said she thoroughly enjoys working in this district and is looking forward to continuing supporting her colleagues, students, and families of Plainedge.
Dianna Rotellini

Dianna began her teaching career in New Jersey, where she taught various elementary grades and special education for eleven years. After moving to Long Island, Dianna began her Plainedge career at John H. West Elementary School teaching second and third grade ICT for two years. She then moved to Schwarting Elementary School where she is currently teaching second grade ICT. Dianna said she would like to thank “all my coworkers and family for supporting me, daily. Most importantly, I have to thank my West and Schwarting second grade colleagues. I appreciate all their help and support over these last four years!” She plans on celebrating this accomplishment by enjoying time with her family over the summer and is looking forward to many more great years teaching in Plainedge.
Nicole Schoppmann

Nicole currently teaches first grade at Schwarting Elementary School, but she began her teaching career in Maryland as a first-grade teacher for two years. When asked if she would like to thank anyone for their help in allowing her to reach this achievement, Nicole responded, “I would like to thank my colleagues at Schwarting for guiding me over the last four years. Anyone I had gone to for advice was always eager to help and I would not have made it through my first few years of teaching without them.” Nicole plans on celebrating by taking a summer trip to Disney World with her family.
Shannon Wood

Shannon educates students at the Middle School teaching special education. Prior to coming to Plainedge, she worked in the New York City Department of Education for twelve years. Shannon would like to thank all her colleagues for their help in achieving tenure, specifically, “Bridget Murphy, Nicole Duffy, Tony DeRiso, and Christina Nullet for helping me these past four years in achieving this milestone.” She further explained, “From the moment I stepped foot into PMS, I knew that this tight knit district was filled with great energy and a place where I could grow!” Shannon’s colleagues congratulated her accomplishment by sharing in a bagel breakfast, and she plans to continue the celebration over the summer with family.
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